通讯地址:浦东张衡路826号科研楼东辅楼201室,邮编: 201203





1. 国家自然基金面上项目 “基于肿瘤免疫-基因联合治疗策略的间充质干细胞仿生纳米递送系统抑制去势抵抗性前列腺癌的作用机制研究”,No 81972392, 2020.1-2023.12,主持。

2. 国家自然基金面上项目“CG3适体介导的肿瘤环境响应性纳米胶束载miR-26a/恩扎鲁胺靶向去势抵抗性前列腺癌的作用机制研究”,No 81672545,2017.1-2020.12,主持。

3. 上海市卫健委临床研究专项“基于细胞治疗临床试验的风险识别与模型构建”,No 201840306, 2018.1-2020.12,主持。

4. 复旦大学附属浦东医院-永利欢乐娱人城融和基金项目,“他汀”类药物体内外相关性研究及基因多态性对药动学的影响,RHJJ2017-04,2018.1-2019.12,主持。

5. 企业委托药物临床试验“格列美脲片剂人体生物等效性研究”,2016.4-2017.9,CO-PI。

6. 上海市医院药学专项基金“粘膜下肿瘤标记用三嵌段温敏凝胶的应用”,2015-YY-01-13, 2015.1-2016.1,主持。

7. 上海市科委2006年重点科技攻关项目“瑞舒伐他汀钙原料和制剂产业化研究”,2006.8-2009.12,项目负责人。

8. 国家临床重点专科建设项目子课题--转化医学研究,温敏凝胶在消化内镜下ESD手术的应用和手术神经松懈剂研究。2016/1-2018/12,主要参与。

9. 军队创新工程项目“基于水凝胶脂质体技术的新型长效避孕贴剂研究”, 2017.1-2021.12,主要参与。

10. 上海市卫计委薄弱学科建设项目,2017/1-2019/12,主要参与。

11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“自噬联合多西他赛纳米给药系统抗晚期前列腺癌研究”,No 81672516,2017/1-2020/12,主要参与。

12. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,肽适体DUP-1介导多西他赛/miR-143 共载纳米复合物抗激素非依赖型前列腺癌作用机制研究,No 81372762, 2014/1-2017/12,主要参与。




1. 肿瘤精准治疗

2. 药品/器械研发与转化

3. 药物警戒研究


1) Chen J#, Ren F#, Cao W, Wu Z, Ju G, Wu W, Gao S, Xu Cb*, Gao Y*. Photothermal Therapy Enhance the Anti-Mitochondrial Metabolism Effect of Lonidamine to Renal Cell Carcinoma in Homologous-Targeted Nanosystem. Nanomedicine: NBM 10;102370 (2021)

2) Wang Y, Chen J, GaoY*, Xu Cb*. Mechanisms of Enzalutamide Resistance and Therapeutic Strategies to Overcomeit. British J Pharmacol. DOI: 10.22541/au.159586060.06437010 (2020)

3) Wu W#, Huo Y#, Ding X, Gao Y*, Identification of the Risks in CAR T-Cell TherapyClinical Trials in China: A Delphi Study. Ther. Adv. Med. Oncol. 12: 1–12 (2020)

4) Wu W, Wang Y, Tang Z, Gao Y*, Huo Y*. Regulatory oversight of cell-based therapyin China: government’s efforts in patient access and therapeutic innovation, Pharmacol Res. (2020) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phrs.2020.104889.

5) Chen J, Wu Z, CaiW*, Gao Y*. SREBP1 siRNAenhance the docetaxel effect based on a bone-cancer dual-targeting biomimeticnanosystem against bone metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. Theranostics, 10(4): 1619-32 (2020).

6) Jiang W#, Chen J#, Gong C, Wang Y, Yuan Y *,Gao Y*. Intravenous delivery ofenzalutamide based on high drug loading multifunctional graphene oxidenanoparticles for castration-resistant prostate cancer therapy. J Nanobiotech. 18(1):50 (2020).

7) Wang X#,Gao Y#, Yang Y#, Liu Z, Gao L,Wu F, Yang X, Xu X, Wang Z*, Sun S*. Validation and evaluation of a newlydeveloped time-resolved fluoroimmnoassay for cyclosporine quantitative analysisin human whole blood. J Pharm BiomedAnalysis. 177, 112870 (2020).

8) Wu W#, Tang Z#, Chen J, Gao Y*, Pediatric drug development in China: Reforms andchallenges. Pharmacol Res, 14, 8104412 (2019).

9) Li G#, GaoY#, Gong C#, Han Z, Qiang L, Tai Z, Tian J, Gao S*. Dual-blockadeimmune checkpoint for breast cancer treatment based on a tumor-penetratingpeptide assembling nanoparticle. ACS ApplMater Inter 11(43), 39513-24 (2019).

10) Qiang L, Cai Z,Jiang W, Liu J, Tai Z, Li G, Gong C, Gao S*,Gao Y*. A novel macrophage-mediated biomimetic deliverysystem with NIR-triggered release for prostate cancer therapy. J Nanobiotech 10, 17(1):83. (2019).

11) Li Y#, Gao Y#, Gong C#, Xia Q, Gu F, HuC, Zhang L, Guo H*, Gao S*. A33 antibody-functionalized Exosomes forDoxorubicin Delivery Against Colorectal Cancer. Nanomedicine: NBM. 14(7):1973-85 (2018).

12) Jiang W#, Gao Y#, Wang Z#,Gong C, Qiang L, Ren F*, Gao S*. Co-delivery of miR-4638?5p and Docetaxel Based on Redox-Sensitive Polypeptide Micellesas an Improved Strategy for the Treatment of Castration-Resistant ProstateCancer. Mol Pharm 16(1), 437-47(2019).

13) Xia Q, Gong C,Gu F, Wang Z, Hu C, Zhang L, Qiang L, Ding X, Gao S*, Gao Y*. Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes forTargeting Delivery of Immunostimulatory CpG Oligonucleotides Against ProstateCancer. J Biomed Nanotechnol 14: 1-14(2018).

14) Gong C, Hu C,Gu F, Xia Q, Yao C, Zhang L, Qiang L, Gao S*, Gao Y*. Co-delivery of autophagyinhibitor ATG7 siRNA and docetaxel for breast cancer treatment. J Control Release 266, 272-286 (2017).

15) Gu F, Hu C,Tai Z, Yao C, Tian J, Zhang L, Xia Qing, Gong C, Gao Y*, Gao S* Tumour microenvironment-responsive lipoicacid nanoparticles for targeted delivery of docetaxel to lung cancer. Sci Rep 6: 36281(2016).

16) Gao Y, Sarfraz M, Roa W, ClasS-D, Lobenberg R*. Hyaluronic acid–tocopheryl succinate micelles containingrifampicin for active targeting to macrophages. J. Biomed. Nanotechnol. 11: 1-18 (2015).

17) Yao C, Tai Z,Wang X, Liu J, Quan G, Wu X, Zhang L, Zhang W, Gao Y*, Gao S*. Reduction-responsive cross-linked stearylpeptide for effective delivery of plasmid DNA. Int J Nanomed. 10: 3403–16 (2015).

18) Gao Y, Zuo J, Bou-Chacra N,Pinto T, Clas S, Walker R, Lobenberg R*. In vitro release kinetics of anti-tuberculosis drugs from nanoparticles assessed using a modified dissolutionapparatus. Biomed Res Inter http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/136590(2013).

19) Gao Y, Ren FZ, Ding BY, Sun NY,Liu X, Ding XY, Gao S*. PLGA–PEG–PLGA-based hydrogel for sustained release ofdocetaxel. J Drug Targeting 19: 516-27(2011).

20) Gao Y, Sun Y, Ren FZ, Gao S*.PLGA-PEG-PLGA hydrogel for ocular drug delivery of dexamethasone acetate. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 36: 1131–8 (2010).


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